41 crossroad herbicide label
Crossbow herbicide Vs. Rural King "Crossroad" herbicide all of the RK herbicides I have used have done just as well as the "name brand" But, 2.5 gal of crossroad is $99. 2.5 gal of gly (imitator) is $35. 2.5 gal of 24d Amine is $30. $65 for the 2. 2oz of each per gal to me has done almost as well as the crossbow did. If its something really woody I will add some triclopyr to the mix. PDF Crossroads SDS - Senske Services CROSSROAD SAFETY DATA SHEET Page 1 of 6 . SECTION 1 - CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION ... CHEMICAL NAME : Triclopyr butoxyethyl ester and 2,4-D butoxyethyl ester . PRODUCT USE : Herbicide . PRODUCT CODE : EPA Reg. No 42750-124 . SECTION 2 - HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION SUMMARY (As defined by OSHA Hazard Communication Standard, 29 CFR 1910 ...
Candor (Crossbow) Herbicide | 2,4-D BEE & Triclopyr | - Chemical Warehouse Label/SDS Candor is a post emergent specialty herbicide that targets unwanted trees, brush, and woody plants, such as, blackberries, sumac, and poison oak. Crossbow also keeps annual and perennial broadleaves under control, such as, poison ivy and thistles, also without harming any desirable grasses. Active Ingredient : 2,4-D BEE 34.4%,
Crossroad herbicide label
PDF MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET - Keystone Pest Solutions PRODUCT NAME : CROSSROAD CHEMICAL NAME: Triclopyr [(3,5,6-trichloro-2-pyridyl)oxy]acetic acid, butoxy ethyl ester 2,4-D ester CHEMICAL FAMILY: Pyridine and chlorophenoxy herbicide PRODUCT CODE: EPA Reg. No. 42750-124 SECTION 2 - COMPOSITION, INFORMATION OF INGREDIENTS COMPONENT PERCENTAGE CAS NUMBER OSHA PEL ACIGH TLV CROSSROAD - Agrian Apply this product only as directed on label. 2,4-D has properties and characteristics associated with chemicals detected in groundwater. The use of this chemical in areas where soils are permeable, particularly where the water table is shallow, may result in groundwater contamination. Crossbow Herbicide Review - 2022 Guide and Update Crossbow is easy to use. Once you have found a tree or shrub that needs to be moved add 4 to 6 fl. oz to 3 gallons of water and spray the mixture on the foliage and base of the plant. Spray all over the plant including the leaves, stem and roots. Make sure to spray around your desirable plants or they will die also!
Crossroad herbicide label. Crossroad | Albaugh, LLC | Agworld DBX | Greenbook View the product label for Crossroad from Albaugh, LLC. See active ingredients, product application, restrictions, and more at Agworld DBX, powered by Greenbook. ... Herbicide. WSSA mode of action 4 Action like indole acetic acid (synthetic auxins) Registration EPA: 42750-124. Pests Crossroad 2.5 Gallon Brush Killer - Farm and Home Supply SKU 14660193- 2.5 Gallons of Crossroad Brush Killer is great for non-crop areas such as fence rows and edges of wooded areas. Crossroad Herbicide kills all types of undesirable trees, such as Mulberry, Sumac and woody plants. Briers (Raspberries, Blackberries), Poison Ivy, Thistles and all types of Broadleaf weeds. Crossroad also controls Kudzu and Bamboo. Crossroad is a low volatile weed and ... Crossroad Herbicide Brush Killer | Generic for Crossbow Same active ingredient as Crossroad Herbicide Triclopyr + 2,4-D Excellent control of wood plants and brush Rain fast in as little as two hours No adjuvant or surfactant needed Please refer to label for detailed usage instructions Weeds controlled but not limited too include: Bamboo Blackberry Briers Broadleaf Weeds Creeping Charlie Kudzo Mulberry Crossroad Herbicide Gallon (Crossbow) | Irrigation Outlet USA Crossroad herbicide controls a wide variety of broadleaf weeds including woody plants such as vines and brush. Crossroad herbicide contains two active ingredients including 2,4-D and triclopry. Triclopry penetrates woody plant tissues for maximum uptake. Crossroad is rain fast in two hours and won't kill existing grass. Specifications
PDF Crossbow Specialty Herbicide Label 2020 - DoMyOwn.com Notice: Read the entire label. Use only according to label directions. Before using this prod-uct, read Warranty Disclaimer, Inherent Risks of Use, and Limitation of Remedies at end of label booklet. If terms are unacceptable, return at once unopened. In case of emergency endangering health or the environment involving this product, call 1-800 ... Crossbow Weed Killer Mix Ratio | Home Guides | SF Gate Mixing. Mix enough water with Crossbow concentrate to achieve a 1 percent solution by adding 1 1/3 ounces of Crossbow to 1 gallon of water. For a 1.5 percent solution to use on brush and stubborn ... Crossroad Herbicide - domyown.com Crossroad Herbicide can be combined with liquid nitrogen fertilizers used for a broadcast application, and can also be applied by ground or by aerial application treatment. The best time to apply is when woody plants are actively growing (see the label for the complete application instructions). Product Documents Crossroad Herbicide Label Crossbow Herbicide Weed & Brush Killer 2.5 Gallon - Rural King The Crossbow Herbicide from Dow AgroSciences is a powerful herbicide for woody, bru Crossbow Herbicide Weed & Brush Killer 2.5 Gallon - 2.5GALCROSSB JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser.
Mixing Instructions for Crossbow Herbicide - Hunker Active Ingredients Crossbow herbicide is a blend of 34 percent 2,4-D, 16 percent triclopyr and 49 percent other ingredients, which may include emulsifiers or surfactants. Both 2,4-D and triclopyr are virtually nontoxic to bees, according to the National Pesticide Information Center. 60553 Crossroad specimen 60553 Crossroad specimen Manufactured by: ALBAUGH, INC. 1525 NE 36th Street Ankeny, Iowa 50021 FOR CHEMICAL SPILL, LEAK, FIRE, OR EXPOSURE, CALL CHEMTREC (800) 424-9300 AD022112 CROSSROAD® Low Volatile Weed and Brush Herbicide Crossroad Brush Herbicide (generic Crossbow) (crossbow ... - 1-Week Deals Some of the features of Crossroad Herbicide include: Control of brush and woody vegetation Safe on labeled turf for control of broadleaf weeds Application of herbicide is safe for rain after a couple of hours Click below for the following: Label MSDS. With our new 40% discount, buying crossbow herbicide generic has never been easier or cheaper. PDF Centennial School District 28J / Homepage SECTION 1: IDENTIFICATION CrossbowTM Herbicide by Winfield 62719-260-1381 1563944, 1563945, 1563946 Triclopyr and 2,4-DBE Triclopyr-2-butoxyethyl ester and 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, butoxyethyl ester Agricultural herbicide — See product label for complete list of use sites. See roduct label for an otential restrictions on use.
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Crossroad Herbicide Brush Killer - 2.5 Gallons - amazon.com This item Crossroad Herbicide Brush Killer - 2.5 Gallons - Replaces Crossbow BioAdvanced 704655A Triclopyr Kills Kudzu, Poison Ivy and Other Tough Brush Killer Plus Non-Selective Weed Grass Control, 1-Gallon, Ready-to-Use
PDF Low Volatile Weed and Brush Herbicide - FiNN All Seasons CROSSROAD™ will control many species of woody plants, annual and perennial broadleaf weeds, growing on rangeland, permanent grass pastures, CRP, fence rows, non-irrigation ditch banks, roadsides, other non-crop areas, and industrial sites. GENERAL COMMENTS AND RESTRICTIONS • For use on plants in non-crop and non-timber areas only.
Crossroad Herbicide - Keystone Pest Solutions Crossroad Herbicide kills most types of undesirable trees, such as Ash, Sumac and other woody plants as well as Briars, Poison Ivy, Thistles and most types of Broadleaf weeds. Crossroad is also know to control Kudzu and Bamboo with subsequent applications. See label for specific weeds controlled. No adjuvants necessary. Other suggestions:
Crossbow Herbicide Weed & Brush Killer, Loveland Products Label & SDS Crossbow Herbicide will knock down everything from poison ivy to softwoods to bushes, briars and berries. Crossbow Herbicide is a powerful herbicide for woody, brush, and broadleaf plants that leaves grasses unaffected.
Amazon.com. Spend less. Smile more. Southern Ag Crossbow Specialty Herbicide Low Volatile Weed & Brush Herbicide, 128oz - Gallon 467 7 offers from $70.50 Crossbow Herbicide (1 Gallon) 96 1 offer from $78.95 Tenkoz Crossbow Herbicide Brush Killer 1 Gallon 20 2 offers from $69.45 Crossroad Herbicide Brush Killer - 2.5 Gallons - Replaces Crossbow 17 1 offer from $172.95
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